Armillary Sphere
“The armillary sphere is an instrument that models the celestial sphere with respect to the horizon of an observer. It is made up of rings (known in Latin as armillae) representing the great circles on the celestial sphere such as the horizon, the celestial equator, the colures and the ecliptic. They can be adjusted to any latitude and can be used either as an instrument of observation or as a tool of demonstration….
Smaller versions were popular as a model of the universe and for demonstrating the principles of spherical astronomy and the motions of the heavenly bodies. Demonstrational armillary spheres would include additional rings delineating the tropics and the polar circles as well as a central earth surrounded by a set of nested rings representing the sun, the moon and the planets.” Robert van Gent The Chinese armillary sphere in front of the door to the Guesthouse is a replica of an antique model. Note the dragons supporting the sphere. It is cast in bronze and was donated by a devotee of the Temple. |