Ven Hui-Xing and the members of BLIA have been warmly welcomed by Ms Mgwenya. The activity started by the police band’s performance. A speech was given by the Deputy Director, Ms Mgwenya, in which she mentioned the role the police is playing in combating crime, and also performing some charity work in the area, in co-operation with organizations like Nanhua Temple. She said we must recognize that we are all interconnected and interdependent, and that we are all one family.
Then the Deputy Director presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Nan Hua Temple for their wonderful work in reaching out to help South African communities.
Ven Hui-Xing shared a story of “Five Fingers”, to illustrate to the audience that people of all religions, color, language & cultural background can work together in harmony, so that the whole society can live in greater peace.
At the end of this happy ceremony, Ven Hui-Xing led everyone to sing "Namo Amitabha" to the tune of the Happy Birthday song, to wish the former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela a happy birthday, and to wish all present a lot of health, happiness, peace & success.