The event was held at the Maseru Club. Before the event began, Nan Hua Temple Manager, Venerable Hui Xing was asked to give a sermon on the meaning of the Buddhist ‘Three Exercises, Four Harmonies and the Four Types of Giving’. He also spoke about merits and virtues of bathing the Buddha. Then the chanting and the Buddha’s birthday celebrations started. The Altar where this took place was well decorated and dignified with fresh flowers. There were thirty young people who led the people to bathe the Buddha and make a vow in front of the statue of the small prince. After bathing the Buddha, everyone was given a Chinese pastry, inside of which was a note with the Three Exercises – these being to keep good heart, say good words and do good things, additionally one should also purify the mind and so create an harmonious society.
Although the advance notice for this event was short, it attracted many people who came to bath the Buddha. All participants were very happy and moved to take part in such a special ceremony.