Early that morning the Abbot, Venerable Hui Fang together with Venerable Hui Liao led supervisor Huang Zhong Yong and Chapter President Wu Zi Ying to the Tokoloho Disabled Center, Botshabelo Township for the wheelchair donation. The Center takes care of people with mental and physical disabilities. Wheelchairs were donated to three children suffering from paralysis. Although the children could not speak nor move to express their gratitude, their eyes and the brilliant smile on their faces warmed everyone’s hearts.
Botshabelo is the second largest township in this area. Previously many Taiwanese built factories and provided many job opportunities. However, as time went on, due to changes in government policy and security problems, many Taiwanese businessmen moved or closed down their factories. Currently the area has a population of six hundred thousand people and suffers from major unemployment, the result of which has brought a lot of social problems to the entire community. Venerable Hui Fang expressed his hope that the local BLIA Chapter can find a suitable place to set up a computer training center. Then they will be able to train the local people in basic computer literacy, enabling them to find jobs and improve their lives.