An early morning fun exercise, which was enjoyed by young and old, was led by Nan Hua Temple Manager, Venerable Master Hui Xing and kick-started the event.
Each of the seven BLIA Africa Chapters then had a chance to report back on their charity activities of the past year, share a review of their annual festivities and celebrations and present their future plans for 2013.
A representative of each Branch also had to prepare a brief talk on happiness and peace to share with all the members. Although the talks were quite diverse, the message was singular: That happiness and peace is not achieved by any external means or material objects, but rather from within.
The promotion of the three good deeds competition followed. Some of the presentations were serious, some more from the heart while other performances had all rolling with laughter. The winners were Pretoria, followed by Durban while Bloemfontein Chapter won the third prize.
Written by Lee Raath-Brownie